Pregnant? The 7 Best Pregnancy Insurance Options for Women
Congratulations! You’re pregnant! Now, you have some important decisions to make. You might be wondering if you need a new health insurance plan for yourself and your growing family.
The answer depends on what type of coverage you currently have, as well as how many months before the birth date it will be when your next payment is due.
For example, if your current policy doesn’t cover pregnancy expenses or only offers limited coverage through an HSA (Health Savings Account), then it may be time to start exploring some other options.
In this guide we’ll take a look at seven different types of pregnancy insurance plans so that you can find one that works best for your family’s needs.
If you’re looking for a health insurance provider with an excellent maternity plan, Humana is a good choice.
Humana offers maternity and paternity benefits as part of the company’s health plans. The company also offers adoption-related care. If you have an existing health plan through Humana, there are separate options available to purchase that will cover pregnancy-related expenses if your current plan does not already include them.
The woman who chooses this option will receive coverage for inpatient and outpatient services related to her pregnancy, including doctor visits and lab work. There are no restrictions placed on whether she chooses to go out of network or stay within the network; however, because she has access to additional providers outside of her network (including hospitals), she may end up paying more than someone who stays within their network only.*
Cigna is a large insurance company that provides health and dental coverage to employees and their families. If you are currently working for a company that offers Cigna, you may find that your employer offers maternity benefits.
If you are employed by an organization that uses Cigna’s insurance plans, the company will cover up to 16 weeks of maternity leave for you and your spouse. This means that if your child is born prematurely or with complications, then this leave can be applied toward maternity care. In addition, while on maternity leave from work (or within six months after giving birth), either parent may take up to eight weeks of paid time off as well as receive short-term disability benefits through Cigna’s plan. Maternity coverage for employees and children
United Healthcare
United Healthcare is a national health insurance company that offers a variety of plans for pregnant women and mothers with newborns. The plans range from basic coverage to comprehensive options, which can include maternity care as well as delivery. In addition, United Healthcare offers plans for parents of children with special needs.
Aetna is a health insurance company based in Hartford, Connecticut. It offers maternity coverage to both individual and employee group plans. Maternity riders are available for both types of plans and can be purchased on the individual or family plan level.
There are two different maternity riders offered by Aetna: the Basic Rider and the Enhanced Rider.
- The Basic Rider covers all pregnancy-related expenses that would otherwise be covered under your plan’s regular benefits, such as doctor visits, prescription drugs, blood tests and lab fees; however it excludes coverage for childbirth itself (obviously).
- The Enhanced Rider includes all of these benefits plus additional coverage for childbirth costs if you deliver at a hospital or birthing center facility – this includes a maximum allowance of $10,000 per delivery with no copayment required from you as long as it meets certain terms & conditions set forth by Aetna’s maternity rider policy documentation document (see more about those below).
Blue Cross and Blue Shield
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas, Massachusetts, Illinois, New Jersey, Florida and Georgia all have maternity coverage for women that are pregnant with a baby.
Blue Cross and Blue Shield offers one of the best pregnancy insurance options if you live in an area where they offer coverage. You’ll have access to maternity plans that cover maternity care at any point during your pregnancy as well as labor delivery costs. The plan also covers pregnancy tests and ultrasounds performed during the first trimester of your pregnancy.
The rate depends on your age when you enroll in this plan but can range from $1-$10 per month depending on how old you are when enrolling in the plan; however most women will see a price closer to $1-$2 per month which is excellent value considering how much money it takes just get started with getting pregnant!
Kaiser Permanente
Kaiser Permanente is a nonprofit health maintenance organization (HMO) that offers comprehensive health care coverage. If you’re looking for maternity care, prenatal care, mental health services, or prescription drug coverage during your pregnancy—Kaiser has it all.
Kaiser Permanente also provides in-network coverage for many high-risk specialists and some out-of-network providers who participate in their network. This means Kaiser members will pay less than they would at other plans when visiting a specialist.
Optima Health Plan of Virginia, Inc.
Optima Health Plan of Virginia, Inc. is an insurance company that has been in business since the early 1970s. They offer maternity coverage for women who are pregnant or have recently given birth.
If you’re pregnant, then it’s time for you to do some research about what your options are as far as coverage goes. Thankfully, there are plenty of companies that offer these types of plans and they all vary in price, coverage and more.
Here we’ll cover some of the most popular ones:
- Term life insurance: This simply means that a policy will last for a set period of time—such as 10 years or 20 years—and after that time period has ended, so does your coverage. It’s often used by people who have already reached middle age because it provides protection for their dependents if anything were ever happen to them before they reach retirement age (65).
- Permanent life insurance: This type of plan stays in effect until death occurs; however some plans allow customers access to their money earlier if they need it due to unforeseen circumstances like medical bills or unemployment (but this feature may come with an additional cost). For younger individuals who don’t need long term protection yet but still want basic coverage without any penalties should something happen during early infancy stages would be ideal candidates here!
If you’re looking for a pregnancy insurance plan, we hope this article has helped you understand your options better. We want to make sure that every woman who needs it has access to the care she needs during her pregnancy. That is why we have provided these different types of coverage options so that women can choose which one best fits their needs.
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