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Here's why non motor, non health insurance space is emerging as the next growth drivers


    hi welcome to my channel and please don't forget to like comment and subscribe today I'll bring a topic about here's why non-man tournaments have insurance space is emerging as the next growth drivers a new Pro managing director and CEO of future General India Insurance in conversation with business today thoughts about how the general insurance markets emerging segments such as home insurance lifestyle instruments and travel insurance they are picking up demand a new Pro managing character and CEO of future General India Insurance talks about how the general insurance markets emerging segments such as home insurance Lifestyle Insurance and travel insurance and it is picking up in demand from data driving premium calculation for the monitor Insurance sector to on-demand instant products the insurance industry has seen a gamut of Innovations and your pro managing character and CEO of future generally India Insurance in conversation with business today talks about 

    how General Insurance markets emerging segments such as home insurance lifestyle instruments and travel instrument and they are so picking up intimate and the next is how has the company performed in the last two years since the outbreak of covet 19. the annual Pro stated the past two years have been phenomenal and we have not notched impressive returns in the time span we registered a growth of a 19 touring FY 2022 with a total Crossroad in premium or gwp of RS 4.210 core one of the important factors has been steady pick up in demand and ramping up of our distribution Network the motor insurance segments contributed nearly 38 of our overall premium collection during FY 2021 and 2022 with a TWP of RS 100 1617 Crush segments like corporate instruments and non-motor Retail have contributed extensively to the company's growth with each of these segments accounting for around 20 percent of our total TWP the company growth after the pandemic can also be justified by the fact that our total against strength is more than 21 and 500 it is currently and this figure has almost doubled during the last three years the company's combined ratio during the previous fiscal years and stood at 108 whereas the solvency ratio improved to 166 percent in FY 22 from 161 last Financial year our attention to the particularly in customer service has ensured that our NPS Crush are best in class and also at 59.4 are not only comparable but even ahead of renowned Cobalt Giants and then the next is 

    what will be the key reference for growth and annual row state that with changing external environment increase in demand and changing customer demographic The Profit General Insurance sector is expected to continue with its growth momentum in India at fgi we anticipate registering a double digit growth led by these factors along with our focus on strength strengthening our distribution Network is our largest contributor accounting for 65 percent of our hotel portfolio our health insurance vertical is expected to grow at a faster rate in the long term the share of motor insurance in the off-road business will keep going down and also non-motor product demand will arrest us markets and customers matter our customer-centric approach multi-channel and also multi-location architecture Diversified portfolio digital advancement and most importantly our differs and experiant work phase will be the growth drivers for our company going forward and also our focus is on providing customers with seamless Omni Channel and experience which is leveraging technology while ensuring product construct simplification to drive penetration so thank you for watching and don't forget to like comment and subscribe

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